The successful job search all boils down to one word -- synergy.
Synergy is defined as the interaction of two or more agents so that
their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual
Synergy explains the difference between John, Paul, George and Ringo
(individual musicians) and The Beatles (a magical combination).
Most job seekers apply for positions haphazardly -- sending out an email
resume for this opening, a printed resume for that one, sometimes
following up and most often not. (Admit it -- you've done this!)
But you'll get far better results -- and create synergy -- if you first
write out a job search calendar, to schedule your efforts over the next
60-90 days. Then, follow your plan and systematically use as many
tactics as possible for each job you apply for. Organizing your efforts
this way will focus your job search, like sunlight through a magnifying
Here's how to create synergy and job search magic, in 5 easy steps.
Step 1 -- Choose your target job
You can do so by picking a job title (example: Sales Manager) or skill
set to shoot for (example: sales, marketing, management). No target job =
no results in your job search. Because you can't score if you don't
have a goal.
Step 2 -- Choose your tactics
There are many. Among the most effective is networking with your
personal and professional contacts. Let people know you're in the job
market and tell them what you're looking for. Then ask this question:
Who do you know that I should be talking to? This one question can
double or triple the size of your network.
Other job hunting tactics include submitting your resume to online job
postings, the newspaper classifieds, recruiters and temp agencies. But
try to spend 80% of your time networking.
Step 3 -- Plan your work
Create a job search calendar. This time of year, you can get free wall
calendars from many stores and businesses. Any calendar will do, so long
as there's room to write brief notes for each date.
Map out the next 30-90 days with specific goals for every day, such as
visiting 5 Web sites, calling 10 networking contacts and mailing 7
Post your job search calendar prominently. Then
Step 4 -- Work your plan
Devote at least 3-5 hours a day to your job search if you're currently employed, and 5-8 hours a day if you're unemployed.
Recognize that your job search is a job in itself, the most important
one you have right now. And that means you look for work EVERY day,
Monday through Friday. Because just one day skipped per week equals a
20% loss in output. You can't afford that.
Step 5 -- Fail your way to a new job
As you follow your job search plan and contact all those people every
day, you're going to hear one word more than any other: No.
Learn to embrace failure like Thomas Edison, who failed 10,000 times
before inventing the light bulb. He said: Every wrong attempt discarded
is another step forward.
Everyone you hear in your job search is another step closer to the one
yes you need to get that position you really want. It's simply a numbers
game -- take heart!
--- By following this five-step formula, you can create synergy, magic
and the job offer you're dreaming about this holiday season.
Kevin Donlin
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