Thursday, August 4, 2011

Keep your cool

Changing your outlook might make a difference to how you feel at office.

Lots of things happen at the workplace, which might leave you frustrated, uneasy and helpless at times. Whatever be the situation, the best way to avoid confrontation is to maintain your cool. Most people take to smoking or drinking alcohol to beat job-related stress. Instead of resorting to such harmful and unhealthy addictions, simply change the way you feel to enhance your productivity at office.

Here are a few things you can do to make this happen

Controlling anger
Though anger is completely normal it can never let you win. It steals all your energy leaving you with a disturbed mind. 

By freeing yourself of angry thoughts you can concentrate on more constructive things that might prove beneficial in the long run. Just let go your anger and you will feel good instantly.

Blame game
Needless to say, blame game is an integral part of corporate culture around the world. We all do it – blaming others for our mistakes or downfalls. Since we don’t like to admit our mistakes, we put the blame on others. The downside to blaming others is that you get stuck when you could actively be doing the best to mend the situation. 

You should focus your efforts on taking ownership to ease things. The blame game can never take anyone anywhere. Also, take criticism with a smile and find a solution that helps all.

Changing beliefs
Beliefs are important as they define thoughts. Your beliefs could be critical in deciding the course of your career. If you do not believe in yourself, your capabilities, then you are unlikely to accomplish your goals. At the same time, sticking to outdated beliefs is also futile. Therefore, let go of the beliefs that are no longer useful and applicable to help yourself turn into a cheerful person.

Positive attitude
When good things happen, you feel good but when the going gets tough, it’s frustrating. Ups and downs are a part of everyone’s lives. So don’t be too serious. Developing a positive attitude would drive you to success and help to fight adverse circumstances. Your attitude is the deciding factor for your mental health. 

Finally yet importantly, indulge yourself in something that interests you. It will make you feel good. 

Follow the tips mentioned above and you will be closer to changing how you feel at work. Try them out today.

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